1 min readMay 20, 2020

Money Lessons from a Rolling Stone.

Papa was a Rolling Stone is a hit song by the group known as The Temptations.

In the song, a mother describes the habits of her husband to her child.

There are a few money lessons we can pick from it. Let’s go😁

No assets for the next generation.

“ When he (Papa) died all he left was alone”.

It is essential to leave behind assets for the generation coming after you, not just for a good history but also to foster the concept of environmental stewardship and sustainable development which preserves the needs of the present generation without compromising that of the next/future generations.

Don’t be lazy

“Is it true that Papa never worked a day in his life? ”.

Papa was a clearly lazy person.
Don’t be lazy; you can take out time to rest, but be focused.

Guard your reputation

“Folks say Papa would beg, borrow and steal to pay his bills”.

It’s apparent Papa had a bad reputation.

Nigeria is a low trust society and a bad reputation can go on to affect your ability to do business, even your kids.
Maintaining a good reputation, opens doors.

Don’t be like “Papa” described above.
If you have to change, it’s never too late.

Start now. ✨

You can listen to the song.


Written by MoneyAfrica

We look at the financial angle. From Personal finance to finacial literacy, strategy and wealth creation.

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